(2024-2026) Investigator of Computable structure theory, and philosophy of mathematical structuralism
(project lead: D. Kalocinski)
Funded by the National Science Centre of Poland(2022-2026) Project lead of A new way of classifying algorithmic problems in algebra
Funded by the Austrian Science Fund with 345,408.00 €(2020-2022) Team member of Positive graphs as mathematical models of databases
(project lead: B. Kalmurzayev)
Funded by the Kazakh National Scientific Council(02/2020) Team member of The computational content of the theory of Borel equivalence relations
(with N. Bazhenov, B. Monin, and R. Zamora)
Funded by the Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics within the program "Research in Pairs"(2019-2021) Team member of Effective properties of algebraic structures
(project lead: A. Soskova)
Funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund(2019-2021) Team member of Illocutionary acts in mathematics
(project lead: M. Ruffino)
Funded by São Paulo Research Foundation(2018-2020) Project lead of Classifying relations via computable reducibility
Funded by the Austrian Science Fund with 156,140.00 €(2016-2018) Project assistant of Equivalence Relations in Computable Model Theory
(project lead: E. Fokina)
Funded by the Austrian Science Fund(2014-2015) Six month fellowship for The role of informal proofs in mathematics
Funded by Scuola Normale Superiore